ATM Outsourcing
Financial institutions, retailers, hospitals, governments and a host of other organizations want to provide ATM cash access to their clients but are not equipped to handle the complex process. That is where CashTrans entered the picture in the mid-90’s and began offering turn-key ATM solutions which are often referred to as ATM Outsourcing.

ATM Outsourcing
Financial institutions, retailers, hospitals, governments and a host of other organizations want to provide ATM cash access to their clients but are not equipped to handle the complex process. That is where CashTrans entered the picture in the mid-90’s and began offering turn-key ATM solutions which are often referred to as ATM Outsourcing.

What is ATM Outsourcing?
There are a large number of benefits associated with ATM outsourcing. Here is a list of the 6 major benefits regardless of the type of institution.
No capital required and in most cases only minimal out of pocket expenses
Enhanced performance as most outsourced ATMs perform at a higher level
Maintain your customer facing brand and marketing on the ATM if desired
Reduce all in costs by as much as 40% if you factor reduction in employee costs
Create an incremental income stream based on usage volume and pricing
Free staff to focus on your core business versus ATM management
It just makes good sense today for community banks with smaller ATM fleets to turn it over to a trusted third party like CashTrans
Lloyd Harrison, President/COO at Virginia Partners Bank

Key Components and our Process
There are an estimated 18+ major ATM processes that CashTrans handles for its clients and much more! Here is a list and description of each.

ATM Driving
Provides operations to run the ATM.

ATM Insurance
Purchase ATM insurance against loss.

Phone, LAN, wireless, WAN, connections.

Customer Help Desk
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 a year.

Full ATM installation on site and done right.

Monitor Performance
Monitors cash and performance

Technology Upgrades
Installs new technology like EMV.

Transaction Processing
Process all card types.

Automatically settles all transactions daily.

ATM Equipment
Purchase ATM equipment with no client capital.

No room for errors. Cash is balanced daily.

Insures regulatory compliance (like ADA).

Gateway to Networks
We provide access to all ATM Networks.

Load Cash
Provides necessary cash loading on an ongoing basis.

Insures fast and secure performance.

Screen Programming
Custom welcome screen and marketing.

Service/ Maintenance
Provides all service.

Latest techniques for high security.

CashTrans pioneered outsourcing with retailers
Major CashTrans expansion with retailers of all types
First financial institutions outsourced ATMs with CashTrans
Major ATM outsourcing expansion with banks and credit unions
CashTrans launches ATM fleet management with financial institutions and retailers
CashTrans expands ATM outsourcing client base throughout the South- from Texas to Virginia
CashTrans launches major ATM network
ATM Outsourcing Video
Learn how outsourcing your ATM inventory with CashTrans can reduce your overhead and add to your bottom-line.

ATM Outsourcing Video
Learn how outsourcing your ATM inventory with CashTrans can reduce your overhead and add to your bottom-line.
Ready to get started?
Let our friendly and knowledgeable consultants put a plan together to reduce risk, increase revenue, and add more to the bottom line of your institution. Contact us today to get started!